Mobile application penetration testing
NetSPI tests your Android and iOS mobile applications for vulnerabilities. We manually pentest security controls in four essential areas: file system, memory, network communications, and graphical user interface (GUI), including for the OWASP Mobile Top 10.
Benefits of NetSPI’s mobile application penetration testing
The pressure to quickly get a mobile application to market can lead to weak security without taking the time for proper penetration testing. NetSPI identifies vulnerabilities in your mobile application infrastructure that make your organization susceptible to external or internal security threats.
Our mobile penetration testing offerings
NetSPI’s mobile application penetration testing brings together dedicated security experts, intelligent process, and advanced technology to improve application security and reduce risk to your business.
Anonymous testing
- Non-credentialed user
- Application client binary
- Application server & web components
- Mobile device, network & server layers
- Automated scanners
- Manual verification
Authenticated testing
- Credentialed users by type
- Automated & manual processes
- Elevate privileges
- Gain access to restricted functionality
- Manual verification

What does NetSPI test for?
NetSPI focuses on the following areas during mobile application penetration testing to ensure complete and comprehensive coverage.
- Insecure data storage
- Client-side injection vulnerabilities
- Data flow issues
- Weak server-side controls
- Poor authentication and authorization
- Side channel data leakage
- Insufficient transport layer protection
- Improper session handling
- Cryptography
- Sensitive information disclosure
You deserve The NetSPI Advantage

Security experts
- 300+ pentesters
- Employed, not outsourced
- Domain expertise

Intelligent process
- Programmatic approach
- Strategic guidance
- Delivery management team

Advanced technology
- Consistent quality
- Deep visibility
- Transparent results